Rashtriya Gokul Mission - Breed Multiplication Farm

Note : This scheme is temporarily closed, if you want cow / buffalo project till 20 Lakh Project cost, you can apply for PMEGP Scheme, For more details click here.

TYPE OF APPLICANT : Individual, Self Help Group (SHG), Farmer Producer Organization (FPO), Farmers Cooperative Organization (FCO), Joint Liability Group (JLG), Section 8, Cooperatives





  • To develop private entrepreneurs for undertaking cattle and buffalo breeding.
  • To make available disease free high yielding heifers / pregnant heifers/cows preferably of indigenous breeds of cattle/buffalo.
  • Spreading awareness about scientific management practices including animal nutrition, disease prevention etc.
  • Multiplication of high yielding milch animals through scientific breeding


  • 50% capital subsidy up to Rs. 2 Crore in 8 instalments.
  • The subsidy for the RGM Breed Multiplication Farm is released in eight installments, each tied to specific milestones and fund utilization certifications (FUC).
    • 1st Installment (12.5%) : Released after signing the Grant Agreement, initial verification, and proof of 12.5% fund utilization.
    • 2nd Installment (12.5%) : Released after submission of Fund Utilization Certificate (FUC) and proof of 25% fund utilization.
    • 3rd Installment (12.5%) : Released after completion of civil work for the animal shed, second verification, and proof of 37.5% fund utilization with FUC.
    • 4th Installment (12.5%) : Released after submission of FUC and proof of 50% fund utilization.
    • 5th Installment (12.5%) : Released after the third verification confirming 50% animal induction, and proof of 62.5% fund utilization with FUC.
    • 6th Installment (12.5%) : Released after submission of FUC and proof of 75% fund utilization.
    • 7th Installment (12.5%) : Released after the fourth verification confirming full animal induction and calf births, and proof of 82.5% fund utilization.
    • 8th Installment (12.5%) : Released after final verification confirming the availability of heifers for sale and proof of 100% fund utilization.
  • Indicative list of eligible items for funding
    Sr. No. Particular Unit Quantity
    1 Purchase of cows in first lactation/2 nd lactation (including insurance and transportation) Nos 200
    2 Construction of cow sheds ( sheds to house 200 cows and its followers ) Per Animal 200
    3 Shed for Calf and hifers Per Animal 100
    4 Calving pens Per Animal 10
    5 Administration block Sq. ft. 1000
    7 Feed & fodder store room Sq. ft. 2000
    8 Tractor 75 HP, with agriculture implements (culti, seed drill, bailer, fodder harvester, mower, TMR wagon, other equipments as per requirement ) Nos 1
    9 Milking Parlour with Dairy equipmets ( BMC, stainless steel Milk cans, digital milko tester, etc ) LS -
    10 Shed for Agri implements Sq. ft. 1500
    11 Chaff cutter (electric) Nos 1
  • The timing of subsidy payments is determined by the government, so we cannot provide an exact date for disbursement. However, we will keep you informed and support you throughout the process.


  • The minimum 5 acres of land is required to establish a Breed Multiplication Farm under the RGM scheme.
  • The loan amount for the RGM scheme ranges from ₹50,00,000 to ₹1,60,00,000.
  • The required own contribution varies between ₹40,00,000 and ₹1,50,00,000.
  • Pvt. Ltd. Companies, Partnership Firms, NGOs, charitable trusts, gaushalas, etc. are NOT ELIGIBLE


    Mandatory :

    1. Aadhaar Card
    2. Pan Card
    3. Passbook of Applicant
    4. Photograph of Person
    5. Education Certificate
    6. 7/12 OR 15 Years Lease Agreement
    7. GI tagged Photographs of project site
    8. Networth Certificate (with Minimum 2.25 Cr Networth)
    9. Self Declaration with Notary
    10. Self Declaration for not black listed with Notary
    11. Experience Certificate from Local Govt. Veterinarian

    Will be provided by our expert team :

    1. Detailed Project Report
    2. Application submission to government

    Optional :

    1. GST registration certificate

    Required in some cases :

    1. Certificate of Incorporation (In case of company)
    2. Company's Address Proof (Electricity Bill, Water Bill, Telephone Bill, Passbook, Rent agreement etc.) (In case of company)
    3. Partnership Deed (In case of partnership firm)
    4. Last three years audited Annual financial statements (if available)
    5. Last three years income tax returns (if available)


  • Gir, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Kankrej, Tharparkar, Rathi, Murrah, Nili Ravi, Mehsana, HF Pure, Jersey, CBJY, CBHF


  • Submit the application with project report and required documents on the portal.
  • After submission, the nodal officer screens the application for eligibility based on guidelines and marks it on the portal if eligible.
  • The lender reviews the application, conducts due diligence, and approves or reject the loan.
  • After meeting the sanction letter conditions, the lender disburses the loan to the beneficiary.
  • At last, the releases of interest subvention starts as per guidelines.

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