Chief Minister Employment Generation Programme (CMEGP)


STATE(S) COVERED : Maharashtra





  • To establish 1,00,000 Micro and Small Enterprises in the next five years and achieve employment opportunities for 8-10 lakh youth in the State.
  • The target for the first financial year 2019-20 is to establish 10,000 enterprises in the State.
  • To generate employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas of the state through setting up of new self-employment ventures/projects/micro enterprises/small enterprises (project cost limited to Rs.50 lakhs).
  • To bring together widely dispersed traditional artisans, rural and urban unemployed youth, innovative/inventive/pioneering ideas-ventures, and give them self-employment opportunities to the extent possible, at their place of stay.
  • To provide continuous and sustainable employment to a large segment of prospective traditional artisans, start-ups, innovative/inventive/pioneering ideas-ventures to rural and urban unemployed youths in the State, to help arrest migration of rural youth to urban areas.
  • To increase the wage-earning capacity of prospective traditional artisans and contribute to an increase in the growth rate of rural and urban employment.


Categories Beneficiary's Contribution Margin Money (Subsidy) Bank Loan
Unit Location - Urban Rural Urban Rural
General Category 10% 15% 25% 90% 90%
SC / ST / OBC / Women / Others 5% 25% 35% 95% 95%
  • Project cost will include Capital Expenditure (except cost of land) and one cycle of Working Capital. Projects without Capital Expenditure are not eligible for financing under the Scheme.
  • Assistance under CMEGP is applicable to new viable micro, small enterprises (project cost limited to Rs.50 lacs) including Village Industries.
  • Only one person from the family is eligible for obtaining financial assistance for setting up of projects under CMEGP. The “family” includes self and spouse.
  • Normal prevailing rate of interest shall be charged. Repayment schedule may range between 3 to 7 years after an initial moratorium as may be prescribed by the concerned bank/financial institution.
  • Banks will claim Margin Money (subsidy) based on sanction of Capital & working capital expenditure of the project.
  • Once the subsidy is received by the Bank in favor of loanee, the amount should be kept as Term Deposit Receipt (TDR) within 24 hours in the name of the beneficiary/Institution and for the duration of three years at branch level. No interest will be paid on the TDR and no interest will be charged on loan disbursed to the corresponding amount of TDR.
  • In case the Bank's advance goes “bad” before the three years period, due to reasons beyond the control of the beneficiary, the Margin Money (subsidy) will be returned to the DOI along with interest. In case any recovery is effected subsequently by the Bank from any source whatsoever, such recovery will be utilized by the Bank for liquidating their outstanding dues.
  • Margin Money (subsidy) will be 'one-time assistance', from Government of Maharashtra.
  • Applicants who have already undergone training of at least 10 days under Residential Entrepreneurship Development Programme (REDP) / Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) / Skill Development Programme (SDP) / Entrepreneurship cum Skill Development Programme (ESDP) need not undergo the EDP training again.
  • The timing of subsidy payments is determined by the government, so we cannot provide an exact date for disbursement. However, we will keep you informed and support you throughout the process.


  • Minimum 18 years and Maximum 45 years (50 years for SC, ST, OBC, Minority, VJNT, Women, Ex-Serviceman, Physically Challenged).
  • Maximum limit for Manufacturing Sector is Rs. 50 Lakh and for Service Sector is Rs. 20 Lakh.
  • Applicant(s) should be resident of Maharashtra. In case of birth outside Maharashtra, the applicant must possess domicile certificate.
  • There will be no income ceiling to become eligible for availing financial assistance.
  • Only one person from a family will be eligible under the scheme. (Definition of family includes Self and spouse).
  • Assistance under the Scheme is available only for new projects/ventures under Proprietorship or for Individual.
  • Applicants with 21 types of benchmark disabilities covered under “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016” should furnish a valid disability certificate.
  • Types of Activity allowed are Service or Manufacturing.
  • The areas with less than or equal to 20,000 populations as per 2011 census are termed as rural areas, whereas areas with more than 20,000 populations will be termed as urban areas. The areas under Nagar Panchayats, Nagar Parishads, Industrial areas developed by MIDC/Other notified agencies having population less than or equal to 20,000 will also be classified as urban areas.
  • Existing Units and units that have availed benefit under PMRY, REGP, PMEGP or any other subsidy-linked scheme of Government of India or State Government and also units that have already availed Government Subsidy under any other scheme of Government of India or State Government are not eligible under the scheme.
Project Cost Minimum Education
Below 10 Lakh -
10 Lakh to 25 Lakh 7th Pass
Above 25 Lakh 10th Pass
  • Cost of the land should not be included in the Project cost. Cost of the ready built-up work-shed/gala/workshop is admissible subject to a maximum of 20% of the total project cost.
  • The EDP training is mandatory before releasing of loan by the Banks.
  • Customers are kindly requested to fill and sign the undertaking form.



    • Aadhaar Card
    • Pan Card
    • Applicant Photo
    • Mark Sheet / Educational Certificate
    • Birth Certificate / Domicile Certificate
    • Undertaking Form (Download Form)

    If Applicable:

    • Caste Certificate
    • Special Category Certificate
    • Population Certificate

    Provided by Our Expert Team:

    • Detailed Project Report
    • Application submission to government


  • New Manufacturing, Service, Agro-based & Primary Agro processing activities, E-vehicle based goods transport and other businesses, single brand service ventures (single brand-based chains, mobile service ventures) sector projects/units, will be eligible under the CMEGP scheme.
  • State level Monitoring and High-Power Committee will publish list of such eligible and non-eligible projects/units (Negative list) separately as and when required.


  • Any industry/business connected with Meat processing/slaughtering/canning and/or serving items made of it as food, production/manufacturing or sale of intoxicant items like Beedi/Pan/Cigar/Cigarette etc., Dhaba or sales outlet serving liquor, preparation/producing tobacco as raw materials, tapping of toddy for sale.
  • Any industry/business connected with cultivation of crops/plantation like Tea, Coffee, Rubber etc., sericulture (Cocoon rearing), Horticulture, Floriculture.
  • Any industry/business connected with Animal Husbandry like Rearing of goat/sheep, Piggery, Poultry, etc.
  • Manufacturing of Plastic, Polythene and Thermocol Products and related products as prohibited by Environment Department, Govt. of Maharashtra notification No. Plastic-2018/C.R. No.24/TC-4, dated 23rd March, 2018.
  • Any other Product/Activity banned by the Government of India/State Government.


  • Submit Application with Project Report and other necessary documents.
  • District level Scrutiny and Coordination Sub-Committee (DLSCC) will scrutinize the applications.
  • Eligible applicants will be approved and forwarded to Banks by DLTFC.
  • Banks will scrutinize and sanction or reject the proposal depending upon financial and technical viability of the project.
  • The bank will upload the detailed sanctioned summary report with a copy of the sanction letter on the portal.
  • The bank will inform the applicant regarding specific EDP training depending upon category of activity.
  • The Margin Money claim will be allowed after loan disbursement.

Surajya Consultancy offers business support and project reports for MSMEs

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Surajya Consultancy offers business support and project reports for MSMEs Surajya Consultancy offers business support and project reports for MSMEs